
Trying to improve - Motivation

I just watched the video "Too busy to learn Blender?" about how to find the time and get over the hurdles of learning Blender and I think the tips given in that video is applicable to learning in general.

So how might this be used when learning/improving in StarCraftII? Here are some quick notes.

1. Set a Pre-Determined Project Deadline

This could be as easy as a number of games to be played before a certain date: "This week I will play 10 ladder games."

The goal is to play those 10 games and nothing else. Not to win. Not to macro properly. Not to micro like a beast. It's simply to play 10 games.

2. Look for small time windows

You don't need to play a ladder game but when ever you have a small window of time just fire up the game and practice some macro in a custom game or do some micro training in a mod. Or play _one_ game on ladder.

3. Agree to do one small thing

Start the game and press "Play". Then you can quit. All you have to promise your self is to load the game and press that play button.

4. Recognize the net gain in Happiness

This one is easy. Just think about why you play the game in the first place. :-)

Related reading: Mindset, Work, and Results


Trying to improve - Rage/Tilt

As I slowly progress my game play I have noticed some things that makes it easier for me to remain in control when emotions run high.

1. Small breaks between games.

Just a minute or two. Maybe check twitter, read an article or just get a glass of water. Or stretch. Just anything to get that short break. Even when I win and I'm on a streak I take this break to clear my mind from the previous game and enter the new one with a clean state of mind.

2. Always wish GLFH and GG

If I'm too tilted to say GG I quit and walk away from the game cause then I'm in no condition to play. This rule is so hard to live up to but it's a great one.
I'm proud to say I almost never reaches that state any more and it's all thanks to the simple rule to always wish glhf/gg or walk away.

These two simple things has made me more in control and my game play have improved. I still get emotional of course and it's ok. I just try to not let it get the best of me.

Also check out this video from Jared 'PiG' Krensel: