
The upgrade spending graph

I don't usually spend much attention to the Upgrade Spending graph on the Victory screen since it doesn't really tell me much. Sure it show if I was on par with my opponent or not and I'm sure there's a more specific information to be read from it.

What it basically is telling is when upgrades are finished. It doesn't tell when the were started. Here is an example from a game I recently played:

 The above shows how my opponent finished researching warp gate at ~5:00 and how I finished stim at ~6:08, +1 infantry weapons at ~6:40 and combat shield at ~8:00.

Now, imagine if the graph actually showed _what_ upgrade was finished _when_! Like if the above would look something like this:

 Now wouldn't that be something? :)

If I may keep on dreaming I would also want the graph to tell me when the upgrade was started since I don't know all the timings in my head and it would be useful to see if my starting timings was off.

How do you use the upgrading graph? What more can I learn from it? Please feel free to leave a comment!