
Day 70, quick pickup/drop practice

Was checking out this new CSN Starcraft site after reading the introduction post on reddit starcraft and came across this Fast Pickup/ Drop Micro Tutorial.

So I spent some time practicing according to this simplified list:

Fast pick up
  1. select the air unit
  2. right-click the ground unit for pickup

Fast unload
  1. Unload hotkey
  2. left-click on the air unit to unload

Fast pick up and move away
  1. move command to a location near unit to pick up
  2. then shift-click the unit and move command away
Go ahead and watch the video to understand the details.


Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)

While watching a 24-hour stream by dethfanatic the problem with Repetitive Strain Injury came up on stream and in chat and the importance of  stretches was pointed out. This reddit post was linked with a lot of good stuff about this: A Public Service Announcement regarding Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)

Take a couple of minutes to familiarize yourself with this, especially if this is an unknown issue for for you.